EPIMMUN® patch

It combines the EPIMMUN® epidermal immunization via lasermicroporation with the existing transdermal patches technology.

Today the transdermal patches are only available for drugs with small molecules (<500Da). With the P.L.E.A.S.E.® technology the skin is pretreated with lasermicroporation and this makes it possible to deliver big molecules. The EPIMMUN® patch creates a lot of great benefits for the huge vaccine market in a wide range of diseases.

  • Infectious diseases

  • Allergy

  • Cancer



Improved immunogenicity compared to SC or IM

  • direct delivery to key immune cells in the superficial skin layers
  • enhanced immune response
  • dose reduction of vaccine
    • to lower production cost
    • to increase the availability of the vaccine

Cold chain reduction with dry formulation in patch

  • to get higher rates of working vaccines/ successful vaccination
  • to lower the cost

Up to 7 times lower packaging volume compared to vials

  • to lower the cost
  • to pack more drugs in a backpack of a immunization healthworker to outreach more people in the field

Low device cost compared to syringe cost

  • 10 Cent per vaccination (at average 40 vaccines per day)
  • to increase the availability of the vaccine

No contamination through sharp waste

  • to lower the risk of health care workers
  • to lower cost in waste management

Reproducible compared to microneedles or ID (Mantoux technique)

  • to get higher rates of well done vaccination

Easy and fast

  • high throughput
  • low training cost

Painless and needle free

  • perfect for children and adult